każdy stanowi ułomek kontynentu, część lądu"
John Donne
The Lubiń Meditation Group Community is a federation of Christian meditation groups for which the Center in Lubiń is:
– a reference point and spiritual center,
– a place of regular meditation and spiritual accompaniment/
– a place of permanent formation to live in prayer.
The groups included in the Lubiń Community of Christian Meditation are:
– administratively and financially independent of the Center and each other;
– they retain autonomy as to the form of joint practice and other activities.
These groups belong to Lubiń Community of Meditation:
Group from Białystok
meetings: Mondays, at 07:00 p.m., Chapel at the Sanctuary of God’s Mercy, 1 Radzymińska street,
Thursdays, at 05:00 p.m., Chapel at Catholic School, Kościelna street,
meditation: 3×20 min
(people who want to take part in the meeting for the first time, please contact us in advance)
contact: mobile: 503 011 393
Group from Gdańsk
Functioning at the Dominican Monastery
Spiritual attendant: Fr. Jacek Truszczyński OP
Meetings: Wednesdays, 07:50 p.m.
Contact: Karolina Siodmiak, mobile: 505 109 966
e-mail: ksiodmiak@wp.pl
Website: https://gdansk.dominikanie.pl/kontakt/medytacja-chrzescijanska/
Group from Krakow
Meetings: Tuesdays, at 06:30 p.m. at the monastery Fr. Jesuits ul. Kopernika 26
Contact: mobile: +48 666 077 616
E-mail: chrzescijanska.medytacja@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/krkgmch/
Group from Łódź I
Meetings: Tuesdays, 07:30 p.m. at the church of the Mother of the Redeemer
Contact: pr. Stanislaw Kotowski
E-mail: s.kotowski@interia.pl
Website: www.medytacjachrzescijanska.pl
Group from Łódź II
Functioning at the parish of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross ul. Sienkiewicza 38
Meetings: Wednesday at 07:00 p.m.
Spiritual attendant: pr. Kazimierz Woźniak
Contact: kazek@toya.net.pl
Group from Łowicz
Meetings at the parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Łowicz (Korabka)
Irregular meetings, usually on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month after the evening mass.
Contact: Adam – mobile: +48 692 435 121
E-mail: adam@net4jezus.com
Website: www.maranata.aux.pl
Group from Olsztyn
Functioning at the church of St. Arnold ul. St. Arnolda 1
Meetings: Tuesdays at 07:00 p.m.
Contact: Katarzyna Piątkowska: mobile: +48 664 424 266, Joanna Buzderewicz: mobile: +48 791 375 017
Group from Pobierowo
Functioning at the church of the Saint Redeemer Pobierowo ul. Lubelska 1
Meetings: every other Thursday after mass in the parish house
Spiritual attendant: pr. Stanisław Krzyżanowski
Contact: Iza Roustm, mobile: 691 841 364
e-mail: medytacja2017@wp.pl
Website: http://parafia.pobierowo.pl/about/grupy-parafialne/
Group from Poznań
Functioning at the church of Jesuits
Contact: coordinator – Dariusz Hybel
E-mail: dahyb@interia.pl
Website: www.jezuici.pl/medytacja/
Group from Rzeszów
Dominican Group of Christian Meditation
Functioning at the Dominican Monastery
Meetings: on Mondays and Wednesdays at 07:30 p.m.
Attendants: Fr. Mikołaj Mrówczyński OP, Fr. Dominik Ornawka
Contact: dyrda.malgorzata@gmail.com, Grzegorz.Boratyn@tvp.pl
Group from Sampor (Slovakia)
in Lord’s Transfiguration Benedictine Monastery in Sampor Slovakia.
Meetings: once a month, on fridays, before oblats’ meetings, after vespers at 05:30 p.m.
(schedule of meetings: https://oblati.benediktini.sk/?page_id=13),
Spiritual father: Fr Jozef Brodňanský OSB.
Contact: Monika Čunderlíková
e-mail: jozef@benediktini.sk, monikacund@gmail.com
web: www.benediktini.sk
We would be appreciate for contact in advance.
Group from Toruń The path of contemplation
Functioning at the church of the Holy Spirit of Jesuits
Meetings: Thursdays, 07:00 p.m.
Contact: Tomasz
E-mail: tomekwojewoda@gmail.com
Group from Warsaw I
Contact: pr. Marek Danielewski
ul. Łazienkowska 14, Warsaw Church of Our Lady of Jerusalem
E-mail: markdan@o2.pl
Website: www.medytacja.waw.pl
Group from Warsaw II
Group of Jesus Prayer
Meetings: on Thursdays at 07:00 p.m. Holy Mass in Sanctuary,
7.50 pm meditation meeting – Samaria hall
At the church of St. Andrzej Bobola ul. Rakowiecka 61
Contact: Michał Urbański, mobile: +48 606 446 252
Website: www.modlitwaciszy.pl
Group from Warsaw III of St. Jan Klimak
Meetings: 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at 07:00 p.m. Hall at the parish of St. Stefan, at Czerniakowska 137 Street. (entrance from the side of Nowosielecka street).
Contact: Sr. Stefania mobile: +48 795 024 107
Website: https://modlitwajezusowa.com/
Group from Warsaw IV
Meetings: Wednesday at 07.00 p.m. in the parish of the Evangelical Reformed Church, Al. Solidarności 76a
Contact: Agnieszka Biernacka tel +48 511 166 624,
E-mail: agnieszka_kreglewska@wp.pl
Group from Wrocław I
Meetings: Thursday at 07:55 p.m. in the academic chapel of the Dominican church
pl. Dominikański 2
Spiritual attendant: Andrzej Kuśmierski
Contact: Urszula Bednarz, mobile: +48 691 258 557
E-mail: urszula@bednarz.wroclaw.pl
Group from Wrocław II
ul. Katedralna 4, hall no 15
Meetings: Tuesdays, 07:00 p.m. – an introduction for beginners, 07:30 p.m. – the start of meditation
Contact: Tomasz Jędrzejewski – +48 601 364 899
Group from Wrocław III
Meetings: in the parish house at the church of St. Klemens Dworzak in Wroclaw at Al. Pracy 26, Thursday at 07:00 p.m.
Spiritual attendant: Fr. J Grzegorz Tęczar SJ
Contact: Juliusz Modlinger, mobile: +48 508 365 680, Cezary Konwa, mobile: +48 607 697 456
E-mail: medytacjagrupawroclaw@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/GMCwW
Group from Szczecin
Meetings: in the parish house of Pallottine Fathers, at the church of St. John the Evangelist, ul. Ducha Św. 9, every Sunday at 07:00 p.m.
Contact: Piotr Ducher, mobile: +48 604 233 111, Mariusz Staszkop, mobile: +48 609 360 394
E-mail: medytacja.szczecin@gmail.com
Website: www.medytacje.szczecin.pl/index.htm
Group from Wałbrzych
Wałbrzych – Podzamcze – Szczawienko
Contact: Tomasz Błachuciński
E-mail: tblachucinski@wp.pl
Mobile +48 667 109 255