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Meetings in dialogue

MEETINGS IN DIALOGUE Activities in the field of interreligious dialogue integrally inscribed in the Center since its inception. The Center has been known for over 25 years in Poland and abroad as a meeting place in interreligious dialogue.

Regular meetings

A session in dialogue with Zen Soto Buddhists organized once or twice a year. Due to proper formation and deep rooting in our tradition, which is a condition for fruitful engagement in dialogue, these sessions are addressed only to people who have been following the path of Christian meditation for a long time.

Occasional meetings

Since the Center is known for its involvement through dialogue among believers of different religions is also a place of frequent, casual, informal encounters with representatives of various religious traditions.


Over 25 years of dialogue practice and thorough knowledge that flows from religious studies causes both late Fr. Jan Bereza and Fr. Maksymilian are the authors of numerous articles, and scientific and accessible education, touching this subject.

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