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"Let the soul constantly stick to a very short formula, until strengthened by its continuant and sustained meditation, it will give up rich and extensive thoughts, and it will agree to poverty, limiting itself to one verse… where the mind is no longer concerned with imagination forms. In this way, our soul will come to flawless prayer where the mind is no longer concerned with imagination forms, it doesn't even pronounce words loudly, it does not stop at the meaning of words, but where the heart burns with fire, it is full of unspeakable delight. In the spirit, there is an insatiable desire."
John Cassian, Collationes Patrum XXVI



It was founded on the initiative of Fr. Jan Bereza OSC in 1988. Until recently, it was the only place in Poland where meditation was taught and practiced according to the Old Christian tradition of monologue prayer. The practice of this form of worship developed in the IV-VIII century. It consists of repeating one short, unchanging call, verse, and a sentence from the Holy Scriptures, such as Jesus, Abba, or Maranatha. One of the many calls used in the first centuries took a privileged position over time: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, the sinner. It has become a standard formula for Jesus Prayer. This old tradition of prayer flowing from the sources of ancient monasticism is continuously practiced and taught today.

The Benedictine Monastery has been a spiritual home to many Christians following this path of meditation. A community of meditating Christians in Poland is growing every year. Numerous meditation groups establish. The Center of Christian Meditation in Lubiń is for them an oasis of more intense prayer, silence, and spiritual guidance. Practice at a Benedictine Monastery creates a rare opportunity to experience the mystery of community life directly. Its rhythm is determined not only by meditation but also by common prayer with monks, meal

Benedictine Monastery is also one of the few places for interreligious meetings and dialogue. Since 2006, Fr. Maksymilian Nawara OSB took over the spiritual care over the Center, after many years of Fr. Jan Bereza OSB ministry.

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